Heads Down
I don’t really know what to write these days. Since November, I’ve basically tuned out the vast majority of news. I keep up with the few areas of tech news I’m interested in, mostly centered around AI these days. I used to enjoy keeping this blog as a record of links and news stories I’ve been interested in, but that’s a challenge when you don’t consume much news!
So far this year I have my head down. I’m extremely focused on creating and building good things. I’m doing everything I can to put out positivity and good vibes into the world. I’m removing a ton of distractions from my life, and it’s been incredibly satisfying.
I have a renewed sense of purpose for my work and where I devote my attention right now. I’m not burying my head in the sand, I am quite aware of the noise around me. But I’m choosing to focus on the good in the world and where I can contribute to it.
I’m excited to take this site in a different direction this year. Perhaps more personal. Perhaps less links and more reflection. We’ll see. Here’s to figuring it all out and keeping on blogging.