Hey Launches
This week is the official launch of Hey.com, the new e-mail service from the folks at Basecamp. I haven’t been this excited about e-mail since Gmail launched over 15 years ago. (Remember how cool it was that they offered 1GB of storage, and didn’t force you to put things in folders?)
The thinking behind Hey is nothing less than you’d expect from the Basecamp team. They didn’t just create a new e-mail client. They rethought everything about how e-mail works and what it should be in 2020.
Some of the highlights from the tour on Hey.com:
- Screening of e-mails and senders, just like incoming phone calls.
- Renaming subject lines and grouping related threads together to keep things organized.
- Surfacing all files that have been received and sent in one simple file browser. Hallelujah.
- No push notifications, unless you opt-in.
- A first-party way to reply to something later. Perfectly suited towards organizing and prioritizing your replies.
- A “paper trail” section to keep all receipts. Brilliant.
- A single page readable view for newsletters.
- A way to add notes and reminders for yourself inline with your e-mails.
- Safe image loading through a proxy on Hey’s servers, and automatic spy pixel blocking.