New Things Round-up
In lighter news, it’s been a very busy few weeks for new product launches and interesting tidbits. Here are a few I’m following..
Ford F–150 Lightning: The all-electric F–150 is coming soon. There are some really neat ideas in here: powering your home in an outage, a ton of electric outlets around the vehicle, and more. Best of all: it looks pretty nice!
MKBHD’s M1 iMac Review: The colors on the new iMacs are delightful. Excited to see what pro offerings are to come (hopefully) later this year.
Federico Viticci’s M1 iPad Pro Review: As robust an iPad review as you’ll ever find here. The hardware is so amazing on iPad, and the software leaves so much to be desired. At some point this hardware deserves a better software OS experience.
iJustine’s Apple TV Review: “I love the new remote”. Thank goodness!
Cleanshot Cloud Pro: Cleanshot is my favorite sceeenshot tool for the Mac. It’s so well done and they just announced the pro cloud offering.