Zoom Election

August 5, 2024

Kevin Roose, for the New York Times:

A month ago, if you had asked me which tech platforms would play a major role in the 2024 presidential campaign, I might have said TikTok or Facebook. I might have said YouTube. I may have even theorized that X would still play a role despite its hard-right turn under Elon Musk’s ownership.

What I wouldn’t have guessed is that this year’s breakout campaign tech would be Zoom — the unassuming videoconferencing app made famous during the pandemic and kept aloft since then by legions of remote workers dialing into meetings.

I’ve seen a number of these stories over the past week, here’s another from Bloomberg. The Zoom rally phenomenon is fascinating to me how easily it is catching on, much like Zoom-ing in the early days of Covid. I imagine there’s a large segment of the voting population that would never consider going to an in-person political rally, count me among them. But joining a quick session via Zoom, like we all do at work dozens of times as week? Not as far fetched.

The engineers at Zoom must be having fun with this one too:

Some of these rallies have been so popular that they strained Zoom’s technical limits. One meeting, “White Women: Answer the Call 2024,” ground to a halt when more than 100,000 people logged on, exceeding the cap for even the largest corporate Zoom accounts.