Apple Intelligence Prompts

August 24, 2024

The prompts used to handle Apple Intelligence features in the current betas for iOS were found by a clever redditor and transcribed by MacRumors:

You are an assistant which helps the user respond to their mails. Given a mail, a draft response is initially provided based on a short reply snippet. In order to make the draft response nicer and complete, a set of question and its answer are provided. Please write a concise and natural reply by modifying the draft response to incorporate the given questions and their answers. Please limit the reply within 50 words. Do not hallucinate. Do not make up factual information.

These are so funny and an insight into how modern AI software works. (Emphasis above is mine.) The LLMs used for Apple Intelligence don’t take inputs like normal software, instead they just want to chit chat. And they need to be told to not make stuff up.