
November 26, 2020

There’s so much to be thankful for this year. Every year, in fact. But especially this year.

It’s easy for me to go through each day without thinking of all of the good in my life. It’s easy to complain about minor details here and there and wish certain things would be better.

This year has been something. But I’m still aware of how blessed I am, and am thankful for it.

I’m thankful to have been spared (so far, knock on wood) from this virus that’s ravaging the world. I’m thankful for a healthy family that is taking this pandemic seriously and keeping themselves and those around them safe.

I’m thankful this year, more than ever before, to have a neighborhood full of good people. And especially for a neighborhood of kids for mine to play with outside.

I’m thankful for steady, challenging, and interesting work to do during this time. There has been abundance of good things to focus on and the blessing of that is not lost on me.

I’m thankful for so many little things. I hope you are too.

Happy Thanksgiving.